This campaign has now closed
The SCO Chorus, one of the UK’s most vibrant and versatile choirs, consists of volunteer singers who enjoy unique opportunities to perform regularly with the world-renowned Scottish Chamber Orchestra, reaching audiences throughout Scotland and beyond. Please help support their artistic ambitions!
The SCO Chorus brings together passionate singers from a range of backgrounds, united by their commitment to perform at the highest level. Their remarkable journey with director Gregory Batsleer has seen them collaborate with celebrated conductors, excel in diverse repertoire and give acclaimed performances at events such as the BBC Proms and Edinburgh International Festival. Additional funding is now essential to support their ongoing development and continue to reach new artistic heights.
The Chorus Development Fund was established to underpin the Chorus’ growing professionalism and ambition. It is essential that the Fund is sustained and replenished, allowing us to commit to continuous improvement, develop vocal resilience through individual coaching, and nurture talent through our Young Singers’ Programme. It will also help maintain the Chorus’s trajectory by bringing new projects to life and providing touring and performance opportunities outwith the Orchestra’s main season.