This campaign has now closed
At least 21 people with epilepsy in the UK die each week. SUDEP Action, is the only UK charity dedicated to supporting those bereaved by epilepsy, raising awareness of epilepsy risks and tackling deaths in people with epilepsy, including Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP).
At least 21 people with epilepsy die each week in the UK and most are young and otherwise in good health. We know that at least 40% of these deaths are preventable. Epilepsy is often a neglected service within the NHS compared with other chronic NHS services / conditions, despite neurology being the leading cause of disability and ill-health.
At SUDEP Action, we focus our efforts on the priorities that bereaved families tell us are important. There are five key strands to our work: • Providing information on SUDEP and risk in epilepsy • Offering support when someone has died • Involving people to help effect change • Sponsoring research and education to prevent future deaths • Capturing data across the UK & internationally through the Epilepsy Deaths Register.