Life-changing empowerment projects will reach 7272, vulnerable girls & women, in Zimbabwe, S.Africa & Nigeria. By rebuilding self-esteem, girls will be able to take control of their reproductive & sexual health, protecting them from the dangers of sex work & inspiring them to fulfil their potential.
The well-being of vulnerable girls & women in Zimbabwe, Nigeria & S Africa are at increased risk due to poverty, poor education & gender inequality. Girls as young as 9 are entering the sex trade just to stay alive, trading sexual favours for food. When human rights aren’t protected, corruption, intimidation & sexual exploitation occur, increasing the risk of contracting HIV, bringing stigma & shame, which leads to further inequity; all reducing girls’ chances to reach their potential & thrive.
We’ll empower 7252, girls &women to leave/never enter sex work! Working in schools to increase self-esteem;to educate &prevent girls from entering sex work; offering alternative opportunities to those already in sex work;creating new business ventures, so girls can support themselves & their babies without fear of sexual abuse or coercion.Girls'll experience, confidence growth, positive mental, & sexual health outcomes, be equipped to leave poverty,fight injustice, & teach others to do likewise.