This campaign has now closed
We are raising funds in support of our core costs delivering our services in the North East England, our mission is to build hope in the community where we help prison leavers with resettlement, we aim to alleviate poverty and to develop self-confidence and to promote their wellbeing.
Our judicial system and prisons are overloaded and we expect our services to increase inline with current changes in the Judicial process where persons are being released early with some serving 40% of their current sentence in order to alleviate the overcrowding issues. There will be a greater significant need to support vulnerable persons in the community upon release and this is the field where we specialise and operate, our services are client centred and operate over the longer term.
Our Chaplain has over 16 years experience working in the HMP Services and over 10 years working with prison leavers in the community. Last year we supported 19 clients in the community and we are looking to supplement our existing staff levels with assistant and volunteer support to enable the Chaplaincy work to proceed and develop safely, to support more clients and to encourage more work with individuals and in group activities.