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We offer our guests affected by homelessness and poverty a beautiful and calm place to enjoy a weekly breakfast and a selection of essential toiletries, every Tuesday. Once a month, we also offer a cooked breakfast and free haircuts by Jake & Bence.
London has experienced the biggest rise in rough sleeping in decades. Homelessness in London is a sad reality and we support more guests every week. The Swiss Church has been reaching out to the homeless community in London for decades through diverse activities, offering a safe place for homeless people to get a haircut, food, meet other people, or just relax in a calm space.
We are a lovely team of regular volunteers and prepare a wonderful breakfast buffet every Tuesday, where homeless people can come in for a meal, meet new people, or just find a place of calm to relax and read the paper. Every month, a cooked breakfast is offered, and two top hair stylists in the neighbourhood, Jake & Bence come in to give homeless people a free haircut. We know nearly every guest by name and offer them personal and confidential support should they require it.