The BASE, located in the basement of Portsmouth Guildhall, is a bespoke space where young people aged 11-25 can explore, learn and create in a safe and welcoming environment, regardless of their socioeconomic situation, citizenship or previous access to the arts.
Within Portsmouth there are multiple systematic barriers limiting young peoples’ ability to engage with culture: costs, location, access, a lack of facilities and attitudinal barriers all play a part. The city struggles with high deprivation: • Child poverty indices of 46.9 (England average 19.9) • GCSE achievement is 47.3 (national average 56.6) • A lower proportion of 16/17 year-olds in education and training • Some of the most deprived wards in Hampshire, ranking in the bottom 10% in the UK
Designed following extensive consultation with partners, parents and young people, the BASE contains a band rehearsal room with backline equipment, AV suite, DJ studio, lounge and performance/exhibition space in a central location within the city offering: • a programme of free creative workshops, drop-ins and masterclasses • subsidised transport to minimise barriers to participation • professional support for young people to develop their careers locally without having to leave the city