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Your support will help us to take our new model of inspirational music to 1,000 more children in our region’s state primary schools. Our weekly sessions enable children from all backgrounds to gain the skills they need to nurture a lifelong love of music-making.
Access to music education is increasingly unequal. Pupils in deprived areas are less likely to receive consistent music provision in school (research shows 1 in 5 classes have no regular music lesson). This has a knock-on effect: with no grounding in music theory, these pupils struggle to make up the learning when they reach secondary school, and are unable to continue their learning journey – resulting in a 45% drop in A Level Music entries since 2010.
Our Schools Programme brings weekly music lessons to over 6,500 primary school children, giving even the most disadvantaged pupils the chance to receive the social, emotional & educational benefits music can bring: boosting resilience, confidence and self-esteem, as well as providing the key foundational knowledge that will unlock the door and enable them to go on to further musical learning if they wish.