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In a world where rising numbers of displaced youth lack access to quality education, systems fail to empower them to thrive. Support our campaign to provide flexible, scalable and innovative learning solutions that enable young refugees to transform their lives, communities, and the world.
Over 117.3 million people are displaced globally, nearly half under 18. Young refugees face severe educational barriers: only 41% attend secondary school, 7% reach university. Inadequate funding, systems, language issues & poverty limit access to quality education, hindering refugees' ability to build livelihoods & contribute to communities. As displacement rises yearly, flexible, accessible & relevant education solutions are urgently needed to unlock young refugees' potential & transform lives.
Amala pioneers transformative post-primary education for displaced youth. Our refugee-driven model addresses gaps in quality education in displacement contexts. The Amala Global Secondary Diploma, the first internationally accredited programme designed with refugee youth, and Changemaker Courses which cultivate agency and skills, have proven impact. We provide quality education to those who need it most, empowering displaced youth to shape their futures and communities.