Rupantor is a gardening project that empowers individuals with disabilities in Northwest Bangladesh. By integrating work in the natural environment and physical activity, Rupantor aims to break the barriers faced by individuals with disabilities, fostering a supportive, joyful, inclusive community.
An estimated 16 million people in Bangladesh are living with a disability and receive little or no assistance. Gaps in public service provision mean that people with disabilities are often excluded from vital services such as education, health provision and from national strategies and development initiatives. Consequently, most have low self-esteem and very few life opportunities. There is no other provision for vocational training and occupational therapy in the surrounding area.
The project provides an environment where young adults marginalised due to disability are enabled to learn, lead productive lives and participate in society. Regular work gives a solid life structure, improves confidence, physical abilities, and develops independent living skills. We provide social activities and organize rehabilitation e.g. weekly physiotherapy. Each participant is helped to set rehabilitation goals, and we work with families by home visits and regular parents' meetings.