This campaign has now closed
We are raising funds towards our core work, providing practical & emotional support for young refugees and asylum seekers. Informed by their needs and aspirations, we develop trusted relationships with young people and provide activities that directly support their transition from childhood to adult
The young people we support have huge potential and show remarkable resilience. However, most arrive in the UK alone, separated from their families and friends, often with no social network. Many have encountered deep trauma alongside multiple adverse childhood experiences. Prolonged delays to legal decisions leave many living in limbo, homeless or insecurely housed, leading to significant isolation, destitution, and further mental health issues due to the uncertainty of their situations.
Our Caseworkers provide intensive practical and emotional support to young refugees and asylum seekers, supporting them to resolve complex issues, in addition to improving access to specialist mental health and legal support services. We provide weekly Hubs integrating Casework into our youth activities in safe and trusted environments that create opportunities for young people to open up and make new friends, reducing isolation and increasing their sense of belonging and networks of support.