This campaign has now closed
Thirteen years ago our first State of Britain’s Hedgehogs report confirmed the worrying and fast decline in hedgehog numbers that various surveys indicated. We’ve spent the last decade advocating for hedgehogs; motivating the public to protect them and funding research into the threats to hedgehogs.
We’ve lost 30%-70% of our hedgehogs since 2000. We’ve made their lives hard by paving over front gardens, having impenetrable fences between gardens and killing up to 250,000 on the roads each year. Urban areas can support high numbers of hedgehogs, but they're still under threat. Rural hedgehog populations have plummeted by 50% and their population decline is continuing as they face a worsening environment, a countryside less rich in invertebrates and suitable natural habitats.
To save hedgehogs from sliding into extinction, we must keep up momentum and build on our progress so far. The public needs to know the changes they can make to benefit hedgehogs. With our help, landowners, farmers and developers can manage their land to protect hedgehogs. Restoring habitats that hedgehogs rely on will really help. We have multiple hedgehog conservation projects and a huge awareness campaign and we are seeing some improvements. We must and will keep this up to save hedgehogs.