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The Wave Project provides surf therapy for children and young people (aged 8-21) suffering from depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and self harm.
1 in 5 children suffer with their mental health and teenage suicides have risen by 35% since 2021. The long term impact of the pandemic coupled with the cost of living crisis has been catastrophic and the need for our services is higher than ever. The children that come to The Wave Project are presenting with significant ill mental health ranging from extreme anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and self-harm and have often tried more traditional therapies but to no avail.
Our surf therapy intervention is evidence based and recognised by the NHS, local authorities and psychiatric services to be effective in improving the well-being, outlook, self-esteem and confidence of children and young people. The intervention combines surfing with mentoring and principles of group therapy. Over a course of 6 weeks the children learn to surf, make friends and feel more confident about themselves, enabling them to tackle other problems in their lives confidently.