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Every day a girl isn't in school, she's at risk. Without education girls in the slums of Uganda face violence, early motherhood, diseases like HIV & higher mortality rates. You can change this by providing life-saving education & healthcare. Inspiring self-confidence, developing skills & aspirations
“I felt ashamed. I didn’t know school was even possible for me.” Girls in Kampala's slums face violence, lack of education and extreme poverty. During lockdown 60% experienced sexual violence and child motherhood rose. Stigma and poverty stops them accessing education and vital healthcare, pushing them into unsafe situations, including sex work. With the rising cost-of-living & cost-of-education further threatening their safety, this year will be more challenging for girls than ever before.
“Now I feel I can do anything.” Awamu supports girls (many child mothers and survivors of sexual violence) to transform their lives through education. Guided by specialist teachers and mentors, girls gain confidence and the skills they need for successful learning. We connect them to a peer support network and provide counselling, sexual and reproductive healthcare, safe motherhood services and childcare. Designed to ensure that girls feel confident, supported and able to speak out and be heard!