This campaign has now closed
We give people with neurological conditions tools to manage the physical and emotional symptoms of their condition to live their 'best Neuro life'. Demand for our support is high. Funds will help us grow our exercise and counselling services, and support more people who could benefit in our region.
1-in-10 people in the UK has one of the neurological conditions the Neuro Therapy Centre supports. These conditions affect physical and mental health & wellbeing, meaning people need ongoing, consistent, and regular support to manage their condition, stay mobile, motivated, independent, and to enjoy a quality of life whilst being able to remain in employment longer following diagnosis. Demand for services is high, and pressures on the NHS mean increased community-based support is vital.
Our vision is to help people 'live their best neuro life'. We empower people to be proactive about their care through our preventative approach to managing conditions - saving NHS resources & improving quality of life. By expanding our accessible facilities, resources, and growing our exercise services and emotional health support we can be at the heart of the solution during our 40th year and beyond - helping to keep people independent, mobile & in control of their mental and physical health.