Long Covid Kids provides grassroots support & connection for families, children and young people living with symptoms of Long Covid. We provide advocacy, raise awareness and represent the interests of young people living with Long Covid in expert forums, research panels and health organisations.
The last ONS survey reported that there are more than 110,000 children with Long Covid in England and Scotland alone. Families caring for children living with Long Covid struggle to access health and social care support for their children who are now living with long term fluctuating health challenges and varying degrees of disability. Every day young people and families report these children face a lack of understanding from both medical professionals and educators alike - often resulting in the condition being minimised, resulting in stigma and additional burden .
LCK is recognised as the leading patient-led organisation in our field. We are uniquely positioned to support a patient community of around 11,000, with a much wider reach on social media. We have strong working relationships through extensive projects with the NHS, WHO, & researchers. This therefore places us in the best position to develop the support services that young people and their caregivers need. Our services will be staffed by professionals & will ensure effective assistance.