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Include's vision is a world where no-one is excluded because of communication disabilities. Include helps communities to be involved with, understand better, and care more about people with communication needs. This includes people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injury and dementia.
Communication needs can occur for many reasons, due to a learning disability, acquired brain injury, autism or dementia, for example. Being able to express yourself and be understood is fundamental to safety, wellbeing, opportunity, and identity. If you communicate differently it’s harder to build friendships, join leisure activities, find a job, volunteer, shop, use technology or access services without support. Supporting someone with communication needs can be challenging and isolating too.
We tackle the challenges of communication disabilities through the application of speech and language therapy expertise in ways that feel nothing like actual therapy. It's fun and there is a true sense of equity and belonging. Include empowers people with understanding and speaking needs, their families and support workers to learn new skills and help design and deliver Include's services. Together we educate the wider community, so that more people and services know how to be truly inclusive.