This campaign has now closed
We support over 400 refugee and asylum-seeking through creative and educational activities, high-quality legal advice, and hardship support for urgent necessities. Your generosity will help refugee women access the support they need to rebuild their lives in the UK, on their terms.
The women we support are seeking safety in the UK from war, persecution, gender-based violence, rape and other torture. After arriving in the UK, they are often left to ‘live’ in atrocious accommodation, forced into poverty, and left to wait for months, or even years, for their claim to be heard. This has been worsened by the cost-of-living crisis; many refugee women can’t afford to meet their basic needs, let alone travel to our activities and access our welcoming community without our support.
By providing travel expenses, phones and phone credit, women in our network can access our in-person and online activities, such as English or Drama, and receive high-quality legal advice on immigration, housing and welfare issues. This means women have access to opportunities to build their skills and confidence and to understand their rights. Our hardship support enables women to meet their needs for vital necessities, such as medication and emergency accommodation, or access higher education.