Many barriers exist for young people considering a creative career, particularly for those with backgrounds that are currently under-represented. Watershed’s Make Shift programme breaks down barriers by supporting them to begin and sustain a thriving career in Film, Media and Creative Technology.
Over the last decade the creative industries’ workforce has grown at almost five times the rate of the rest of the economy. However, only 25% of young people are recommended a creative career and half wouldn’t consider one due to the perception it’s too hard to join. Many barriers exist, particularly for those minoritised in the sector, including uncertain career pathways, insufficient paid opportunities/career progression support, and lack of inclusion around class/ethnicity/disability.
Watershed’s Make Shift offers a range of opportunities that help young people to see a creative career is possible, including school work experience for year 10 and year 12/13 students and monthly meet ups. We have designed Make Shift to particularly help young people from backgrounds that are minoritised in the creative sector and work with local schools and youth organisations to spread awareness. We then work together with the young people to help reduce the barriers they face.