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At Youth Talk we change and save lives. Our confidential counselling improves the mental health of young people aged 13-25 in St Albans and surrounding areas. We’re fundraising to ensure that everyone can access this vital support which helps young people move forward and build fulfilling futures.
There's a crisis in youth mental health and the services needed to support them. The NHS estimates that 20% of 8–25-year-olds have a diagnosable mental health condition. A Hertfordshire school survey found that 17.3% of 16300 students report low life satisfaction and 33% are worried about their mental health. According to Children’s Commissioner, inadequate services and long waits for support in NHS Hertfordshire & West Essex ICB contribute to worsening mental health and longer recovery times.
We help young people build resilience to cope with life’s challenges and overcome mental health issues. Our professional counselling is free at the point of access. We support those who are experiencing a range of issues from depression to anxiety and grief. Accessing early support prevents mental health problems from increasing in severity and reaching crisis point. Our in-depth approach helps people explore their past and understand triggers so they can move forward and make lasting progress.