This campaign has now closed
Building on the success of “Perfect Show for Rachel” and our work around Croydon Borough of Culture, Zoo Co are on a mission to show that accessible theatre is also great theatre. We’re raising money to expand our access library provision across London, and to develop a brand new accessible show.
There is a belief that accessible theatre isn’t great theatre, but we know theatre is better when everyone is invited. According to the community life survey only 23% of disabled people feel like they can influence decisions in their local area, and theatre often mirrors this; less than 2% of Arts Council England’s National Portfolio funding goes to disabled-led organisations. We should be deciding what great art is too, and Zoo Co is on a mission to make that happen.
As part of Croydon Borough of Culture, we developed an Access Library of equipment people can borrow, and training on how to use it. We want to roll this out city-wide so that more organisations welcome disabled people into their buildings as decision-makers. At the same time, we’re going to create our next show which will put disabled artists at the centre of deciding what makes great theatre, giving collaborators their first mid-scale credit like we did on “Perfect Show for Rachel”.