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OperaUpClose will deliver a series of creative workshops in schools which explore storytelling through sound, engaging Early Years and KS1 pupils, empowering teachers and unlocking the potential of the music curriculum. Material generated will become a new Early Years opera, touring in 2026.
As part of the government’s new National Plan for Music Education, schools must ensure that EVERY child has the chance to experience live music. However, low provision of specialist music in schools, particularly in Early Years delivery cause significant barriers to engagement. (South Coast Music Partnership ‘24) Opera is currently an under-represented art form in schools, with ‘fewer opportunities to…engage with activities which might introduce children and young people to opera’ (ACE ‘24).
In partnership with the South Coast Music Partnership we will work with primary schools experiencing limitations in delivering the music curriculum. Workshops will support and develop the skills and confidence of teachers in delivering music-making activities, taking an innovative, holistic approach including notation through art and mark-making. A newly co-created opera will tour to schools and theatres, increasing engagement with the artform for young children and their families.