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By investing in renewable energy projects in India we achieve 4x carbon avoidance impact compared to the UK. Our support of habitat restoration programmes with partner communities in Tamil Nadu improves lives through empowering and educating women to restore, nurture and protect native TDE forest.
1) Climate Change - Rising CO2 levels and air pollution from fossil fuels impacts disproportionately on developing countries. India's energy grid remains c70% fossil fuel reliant. 2) Around 305m people in India are without access to electricity and millions more with unreliable supply. Diesel generators are used in many rural areas. 3) The significant loss of Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest in Southern India. 4) Poverty from lack of energy, education and employment of women in rural India.
The Converging World believes that global problems need global solutions. Investing in renewable energy in India captures the growing need for clean energy and an even bigger impact on carbon avoidance. Our 4.2MW wind turbines deliver c8,000 tonnes carbon avoidance impact per annum - 4 times that in the UK. Empowering communities with clean energy and supporting habitat restoration has a significant impact through carbon avoidance and providing employment opportunities for women.