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Hedgerows are a UK Priority Habitat and important features in our environment. They provide food, shelter and breeding locations for wildlife. Many hedgerows have been lost in recent decades but we aim to reverse this trend and restore hedgerows to our countryside for nature and people to enjoy.
A range of wildlife is dependent on hedgerows for shelter, food and breeding locations and they support the movement of wildlife through the landscape. They are important habitats for birds such as the redwing, song thrush, linnet – all red listed and vulnerable mammals such as hedgehogs, hazel dormice and harvest mice. Many of the hedgerows that were historically present have gone, largely due to changes to agricultural practice. This also resulted in soil erosion and reduced habitat for key species.
We are working to reverse this destruction through targeted restoration work. Through the 6 facilitated Farm Clusters that already exist and successfully work together on landscape scale projects that extend beyond individual farm boundaries, hedgerow restoration projects will target sites where replanting and gapping up will produce the most benefit for wildlife. During the last 3 years 20km of hedgerow has been restored at 54 different sites, including 16 skills training days for 141 people.