IntoUniversity is a pioneering education charity with an impressive track record of supporting young people facing disadvantage to achieve their potential. We strive to break cycles of disadvantage by providing long-term pastoral support and enrichment opportunities to young people.


  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Poverty Alleviation/Relief Poverty Alleviation/​Relief
  • Mental Health Mental Health
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)
    • Young People (18-30) Young People (18-30)

    IntoUniversity aims to address the problems of educational inequality and social exclusion by supporting young people facing disadvantage, to aspire and achieve their potential. These young people are less likely to attend university, less likely to achieve their educational potential, and are almost 60% less likely to be in a professional job. This can have damaging consequences on young people’s self-confidence, aspirations and mental health.

    Our mentoring programme provides the young people we work with, with volunteers, who act as positive role models, providing support for the mentees with their social and emotional development, exploring future options and improving their academic attainment. Young people benefit from regular one-to-one support from a role model who can offer invaluable advice and guidance, forming a unique relationship and provide an outlet for pastoral support.


  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Poverty Alleviation/Relief Poverty Alleviation/​Relief
  • Mental Health Mental Health
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)
    • Young People (18-30) Young People (18-30)