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Borneo's forests are some of the most biodiverse on Earth, with thousands of endemic species, but it is experiencing a biodiversity crisis. Over 30% of Borneo’s rainforest cover has been lost over the last 50 years. It is vital that we protect the remaining forests and biodiversity within.
The decline in biodiversity due to habitat loss and degradation through agricultural expansion, illegal activities, forest fires, and a lack of knowledge of species populations and distributions. Biodiversity is crucial to all aspects of our lives. By understanding and monitoring the forest, better conservation decisions can be made, more species can be protected, and less carbon will be released. Tropical rainforests are home to an incredible array of species, we cannot afford to lose any more.
We are actively working to protect forests in Lamandau Wildlife Reserve and Tanjung Puting National Park in Borneo. By assessing biodiversity through camera traps and ground surveys, strategic conservation decisions can be made to better protect biodiversity. Regular forest and river patrols around our ten guard posts will help protect prime habitat from illegal activities and respond rapidly to forest fires.