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Since 2021, we have been pioneering the use of the rapid-growth Miyawaki Method to restore forests on Nepal's southern plains. We have demonstrated how these community-based forests grow ten times more quickly than forests planted conventionally. We need to extend our programme at two project sites.
The forests that once covered Nepal's southern plains have almost all vanished, cleared to become arable farmland, at the expense of wildlife and biodiversity. The land is exhausted and sterile from over-farming and the use of artificial fertilisers. The major animals are vulnerable and many species of birds are endangered. Human-wildlife conflicts are frequently fatal. We must find a sustainable balance between the interests of community and wildlife, while educating the next generation.
We can reforest quickly through our continued use of the rapid-growth Miyawaki Method through which forests grow 10 times faster, 20 times more biodiverse and 30 times denser than those planted conventionally. We will extend our Dhanusha Bird Park and Gurkha Memorial Park forests. The former is Nepal's first community-managed bird conservation forest, the latter a chain of 13 forest clusters (one for each Gurkha Victoria Cross won) that will coalesce to form an important wildlife corridor.