This campaign has now closed
Help us to provide the parents of newborn babies across London with all the essential items they need for their child’s precious first few months of life. Together, we can help take some of the unthinkable stress away from expectant or new parents for whom the essentials are impossible to afford.
Every week we hear from parents fast approaching their due date, increasingly panicked because they are simply unable to afford all the items their baby will need. We receive referrals from midwives unable to discharge mothers from maternity wards because they have nothing at home for the baby. The costs of items for a newborn can be crippling on top of the spiralling cost of food, rent and bills. Referrals to us peak during the summer months in the lead up to the September baby boom.
Whether families choose to come to one of our hubs, or receive a home delivery, we provide a bundle of pre-loved essentials. This includes a full set of seasonal clothing, a buggy/ sling, feeding equipment, nappies, toys & a safe place to sleep. We also refer parents to a wider network of local services. Families can continue to be referred to us every three months if they need. Parents describe the immeasurable relief they feel knowing they have support while adjusting to life with a new baby.