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The Hampshire Hedge is an ambitious nature recovery project to connect the two National Parks in Hampshire with a nature recovery corridor of hedgerows. It will wind through the heart of Hampshire parishes linking green spaces. Training in traditional hedgelaying skills is a key focus.
The English countryside has lost half of it's hedgerows since 1945. Hedgerows form our largest most connected nature reserve in our countryside . Healthy well managed hedgerows are teaming with life and important in so many ways from carbon capture to preventing soil erosion they are vital for nature. 1 in 10 of all vulnerable species in the UK are associated with hedgerows but they are in decline and traditional hedgerow management skills are being lost.
The vision is for Hampshire's network of hedgerows to be thriving, with newly planted and restored hedgerows enhancing the character of local landscapes and contributing to the UK reaching net -zero emissions by 2050. The Hampshire Hedge project will raise awareness of the importance of hedgerows, train farmers and land managers in hedgerow restoration and work with communities, schools and colleges and volunteers to plant over 15km of new hedgerows over a 3 year period .