We are restoring our beautiful canal beyond Staveley and we need to fund the making and installation of new lock gates for our new lock. This is essential to manage the water in the canal for wildlife and to allow boats to navigate. Canals are a great way to help tackle climate change.


  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Sports/Recreation Sports/​Recreation
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind
    • Other Other

    The canal has been closed for many decades and the land is lying unused. This area is part of the Coalfields Living Landscapes - one of 6 priority areas for Nature Recovery in Derbyshire. There is a need for more connected and more bio-diversity rich habitats. There is also a climate emergency and valuable land should not lie unused. There is great demand locally and regionally for the canal to be reopened and paths made more accessible. There is also a great demand locally to extend the canal.

    Our canal restoration will create great linear habitats, aquatic, marginal and on the land. These will address the need for connected habitats joining up both with the existing open canal and with the Trans Pennine Trail. The waterway will also help with urban cooling and give access to nature on and off the water for local people; school groups; health groups and others. It will also improve active travel links giving great alternatives to carbon based transport both locally and regionally.


  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Environment/Conservation Environment/​Conservation
  • Sports/Recreation Sports/​Recreation
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind
    • Other Other