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We are teaching children and young people with disabilities or additional needs to play a musical instrument or sing, and perform in public concerts, giving them confidence and pride. Please help more young people to flourish through music, make friends, and reach their potential.
Children and young people with disabilities are often excluded from activities due to the challenges they face. Many respond to music when nothing else will reach them, but struggle to access mainstream music activities, as they cannot follow instructions, or may feel overwhelmed in a group. Many are isolated and lack opportunities to express themselves and reach their potential. As one parent said, “It is heart-breaking not to have something sociable and fun she can benefit from.”
We will provide OK Music School where up to 80 pupils with disabilities are taught by qualified music therapists using specialised techniques devised by our Music Director. Pupils attend weekly lessons, start by improvising on keyboard or percussion, then learn to play simple pieces and gain the confidence to perform in our 2 annual concerts. Some join the Music School Band and 19 pupils have passed music exams. Pupils gain self-esteem and feel part of the community, improving mental well-being.