This campaign has now closed
We want to fund emotional support across the hospital for patients and their families. This includes children with complex needs, long term conditions, those in mental health crisis, those who need palliative and end of life care and those who have experienced trauma.
The hospital is an incredible place but there’s no denying that, day in and day out, families go through experiences that are hard for most to imagine. Children undergo daunting procedures, parents live with worry and uncertainty, families miss each other desperately and people just like you or I can have their whole life changed in an instant. We want to build an emotional support service which ensures that children, families and staff feel less alone, more supported and better able to cope.
We want to ensure that the emotional wellbeing of children and families are cared for just as well as their physical health. Following on from the 2022 Christmas Challenge, we have committed to funding 2 ward counsellors who will work hospital wide, providing on the spot, emotional first aid to patients and their families. We now need to expand our offering to include art and music therapy and a peer support worker with lived experience, who will talk through practical questions with families.