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The barn-style building will increase the capacity of the vital over-subscribed Corbenic Day Service, and enrich the lives of all in the community providing a multi-use space for meeting, performing, playing, and celebrating regular events and festivals.
Corbenic meets the support needs of adults with complex and severe learning difficulties. 1. Our highly valued Day Service is over-subscribed. Presently it offers 6 places per day, but if this could be expanded, more Perth & Kinross adults requiring day services could benefit 2. A core tenet of community life is regularly celebrating a range of multi-cultural festivals where we meet as a whole community. However, the 50-person capacity of our current biggest hall in Drumour Lodge is limiting
We will replace a dilapidated barn (beyond any serviceable use) with a new barn-style multifunctional building, designed to be used daily in ways that will benefit the whole Corbenic Community. The location is ideal, being adjacent to the existing Day Service building. It is also equidistant from the residential houses, with existing paths leading to each property, meaning it is accessible while maintaining the privacy of the residential properties when the public are attending events.