Provide information & support to individuals & families with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). FH is an inherited condition, passed down through genes from a parent, which can cause high cholesterol levels, and a risk of premature disease, death from heart attacks, strokes & vascular dementia.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Information/Advice Information/​Advice
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind

    High cholesterol is the main cause factor of cardiac disease, mainly due to lifestyle, but for 270,000 people in the UK, it is an inherited condition. 1 in 250 people in the UK has an inherited blood fat condition called familial hypercholesterolaemia.

    HEART UK is raising awareness of the risks of high cholesterol and inherited blood fat conditions like familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Our specialist helpline advisors provide information and support to enable people to better understand their condition and the treatment available, and how to take appropriate action to ensure they live a healthy lifestyle and reduce risks.


  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Information/Advice Information/​Advice
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind