This campaign has now closed
We are creating an M25 for nature, helping London's green belt to provide quality habitat, capture carbon and reduce food miles through local food growing. This project will protect and enhance the countryside on the doorstep of Londoners so more people spend time connecting with nature.
There are many areas of outstanding natural beauty, green belt in the hands of speculators. This land is often neglected, fly-tipped and fenced off while the speculators cling to the hope that one day they will be able to build on it and land values will increase. There is also much land which is unimaginatively managed - missing opportunities to use it better to contribute to responding to the climate and biodiversity crises and meeting the health and wellbeing needs of Londoners.
CPRE London will work with local community groups to protect greenbelt sites from threats and develop positive visions for their future. We'll lobby landowners around the need for clear plans for habitat creation and local food-growing. We will work with the London Friends of Greenspace Network to support activities in enhancing green spaces including planting new woodland and hedgerows. We'll also promote the health benefits of both visiting and volunteering in London's countryside