For over six decades AIMS has been supporting women to speak up as they prepare for and give birth, as well as campaigning for a maternity service that meets the needs of all. We believe this work is vital to the wellbeing of women and families. We want to develop our reach by translating key resources, engaging with student midwives and influencing the national debate on maternity service improvement.


  • Human Rights/Advocacy Human Rights/​Advocacy
  • Beneficiaries

    • Infants (<2) Infants (<2)
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls

    Maternity services can be difficult to navigate, risking the mental wellbeing and safety of those giving birth. We know from enquiries to our helpline that many women struggle to find information to make decisions and to have their decisions supported. Free access to accurate, research based information helps people to make the decisions that are right for them and access the support they want. With maternity services in crisis, our ability to represent the voices of women and families in the national debate is more important than ever.

    We want everyone who is using the maternity service to have access to our birth information, which means translating our information into languages other than English. We want newly-trained midwives to have a better understanding of how to help women find the information they need, and how to support informed decision making. We want to continue to use our voice to campaign at a national level for a maternity service that truly meets the needs of all.


  • Human Rights/Advocacy Human Rights/​Advocacy
  • Beneficiaries

    • Infants (<2) Infants (<2)
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls