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We are First Give, the charity that works in partnership with schools to inspire young people to make a positive change in society. Together, we empower young people to make a difference to thousands of charities across England and Wales.
The latest NYSA Survey concludes that 82% of young people care about making the world a better place. Yet the number participating in social action is decreasing, with many citing a lack of access and opportunity. Indeed, young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds are less likely to participate in social action. Closing the gap in participation will help to improve the likelihood of all people to take action to support causes that matter to them, improving society for all.
First Give offers young people the opportunity and platform to make a real, tangible difference to their communities through social action and in doing so gain all of the benefits of such work: a feeling of agency and usefulness, teamwork and collaborative skills, public speaking, project planning, leadership, empathy, and improved self-esteem. Through a structured programme delivered in schools, we help thousands of young people understand their potential to effect positive change in society.