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The scale of modern slavery is growing at an unprecedented rate. Sophie Hayes Foundation is one of the only independent organisations in the UK focused solely on employability and our programmes are designed to lead to a sustainable freedom.
Globally there are an estimated 50million living in modern slavery, and 122,000 in the UK. The women we support have all experienced some form of human trafficking e.g sexual exploitation or domestic servitude. Poverty is a major driver that underpins exploitation- the current cost of living crisis is plunging more women into financial hardship. We are extremely concerned about the risk this poses, as women become increasingly vulnerable to modern slavery when faced with such financial pressure.
Re-exploitation happens when women survivors are not given the confidence, resilience or skills to rebuild their lives. Our unique programme combines workshops, one-to-one, peer-group coaching and a survivor support network CREW (Creative Resilient Empowered Women), alongside dedicated support into education, work placements, further training or volunteering opportunities. Women achieve a renewed sense of purpose with the skills to secure employment, training or even start a new career path.