This project supports students at an inclusive school in Rwanda with ‘Education for Positive Peace’ and learner-centred approaches at its heart. APIE provides scholarships for children in poverty, support for children with additional needs and continued professional development for teachers.


  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Poverty Alleviation/Relief Poverty Alleviation/​Relief
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)
    • People With Disabilities People With Disabilities
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls

    Despite high enrollment rates in primary education in Rwanda, there is disparity in children's learning experiences and if they make it through 12 years of basic education. This disproportionately affects poor and vulnerable children who are more likely to face exclusion, overcrowded classrooms, unqualified teachers and scarce resources. These challenges impact children’s future life chances, perpetuating cycles of poverty and slowing Rwanda’s remarkable progress towards sustainable development.

    Quality education reduces poverty, improves health, promotes gender equality and underpins peacebuilding. APIE is supporting 400+ children in Rwanda to receive a quality education at a local school, Umubano Academy. We provide access to a high achieving and holistic educational experience, specialising in inclusion, wellbeing, citizenship and peace education.


  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Poverty Alleviation/Relief Poverty Alleviation/​Relief
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)
    • People With Disabilities People With Disabilities
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls