This campaign has now closed
We need to raise urgent funding for Blossom Women's House - a new, safe, trauma-informed, women-only accommodation based in the centre of Plymouth. Blossom will be the place where women can find peace and security and take positive steps in their journey of recovery from trauma and abuse.
The lack of women-only accommodation is acting as a significant barrier to women moving forward in life. Women are entering a revolving door in and out of unsafe accommodation, restricting their ability to address their trauma and understand how it manifests so they can move forward in life. Women are sofa surfing in unsafe perpetrators' homes, locked into a potential world of substance misuse and at a continuous risk of domestic and sexual violence. This unfair housing issue cannot continue.
Blossom Women's House is a beautiful property offering a safe, contained and homely space that will be within walking distance from our Sunflower Women's Centre. It has capacity to accommodate nine women across three floors and will home up to 65 women a year. Blossom will have a team of practitioners on site 24/7 offering women advocacy, access to wrap-around services and, when ready, support to resettle in their own home.