This campaign has now closed
TEAM OTTER is focused on children and aimed at reconnecting them with nature, wildlife and the environment. The Otter is used as a mascot and ambassador to a healthy environment. Children can join Team Otter clubs and network with other young people around the world and develop a passion for Nature.
Much is documented on the impact we are having on the natural world. People have become disengaged from the environment & this is really important to change before it is too late. We need to increase the understanding of how the environment benefits us, how its health is essential & critical to our own health. By creating more awareness of these issues we can develop a change of mindset in children - the future decision makers and a generation that can and want to make a change.
Within this Programme environmental & otter experts work with children to help ignite a passion within them to become stewards of their local & global natural world. Children are taught important aspects of the environment, research techniques etc, & potentially we can seed new ecologists of the future. In Team Otter clubs they continue to learn as part of a young, growing community wanting to make a difference & gain better understanding of different environmental issues & cultural differences.