This campaign has now closed
Postpartum psychosis (PP) is a severe perinatal mental illness affecting about 1-2 in 1,000 births in the UK each year. APP’s diverse communities outreach project was set up to support & improve the mental health of women from Black and Asian backgrounds who experience PP & their family members.
PP severely impacts a woman’s life, affecting social support, relationships, causing long term trauma & often legal/child access issues. Recovery takes on average 3 years & women remain at risk of relapse. Research shows fear of services, of being treated differently/with less compassion & family, cultural & societal stigma can be barriers to Black & Asian women with PP receiving the right support. Studies have also found Black & Asian women are more likely to die in the perinatal period.
APP offers peer support & information. Women from diverse communities are connected with trained volunteers who are able to use their personal experiences of PP from the perspective of a Black or Asian woman to provide 1:1 telephone, video call or email support. Group calls, like our online meet-up for Muslim women who’ve experienced psychosis in the perinatal period, offer safe places to for women to share what helped them/their family through PP & provide a friendly listening ear.