World Child Cancer supports children with cancer and their families in lower income countries. Through our funding of diagnosis, treatment, transport to hospital, family accommodation, play therapy and counselling we ensure that every child can not only survive, but thrive.


  • Cancer Cancer
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Poverty Alleviation/Relief Poverty Alleviation/​Relief
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)
    • Infants (<2) Infants (<2)
    • People With Disabilities People With Disabilities

    Every day over 1000 children across the world develop cancer. In countries such as the UK, over 80% of children of these children will survive. However, 4 out of 5 of the children diagnosed with cancer live in lower income countries where Doctors, Nurses, drugs and equipment that these children need are in desperately short supply or simply unaffordable to families. Sadly, this means that survival rates for children in these countries can be as low as 10%.

    World Child Cancer supports the families of children with cancer to cover the costs of diagnosis, treatment, drugs, transport and accommodation. We also fund patient nutrition, counselling and play therapy. This ensures children can receive a swift diagnosis and are financially, physically and emotionally equipped to stay in treatment for their cancer. This has a phenomenal impact, exemplified by our programme in Ghana which has increased survival rates by nearly 25% over the last five years.


  • Cancer Cancer
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Poverty Alleviation/Relief Poverty Alleviation/​Relief
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)
    • Infants (<2) Infants (<2)
    • People With Disabilities People With Disabilities