Artis pioneers creative learning in schools, working with primary-aged children to boost their behaviour, wellbeing, attainment and future prospects through performing arts activities. Our unique programme places performing arts specialists in primary schools one day a week for an academic year.


  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)

    The arts, a valuable tool for social change, wellbeing and engagement within children, are disappearing from our schools. There has been a dramatic decline in both the quality and quantity of arts education in primary schools as school budgets are squeezed and resources are over-stretched. Lack of a creative education negatively impacts wellbeing and mental health at school, especially for those who struggle to learn through traditional teaching methods or who struggle to communicate.

    By delivering weekly performing arts sessions at a reduced cost in areas of high deprivation, our charity provides a creative education to children who may not otherwise experience the arts. Evidence shows that 82% of children who engage in participatory arts report better wellbeing, so by embedding the arts in the wider school community and curriculum, Artis helps to ensure that all children reap the benefits of movement, dance and drama on their mental health, regardless of background.


  • Arts/Culture/Heritage Arts/​Culture/​Heritage
  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Health/Wellbeing Health/​Wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries

    • Children (3-18) Children (3-18)