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We offer high quality, professionally performed music in an informal and accessible environment where individual differences are celebrated. We work with young people with autism, learning difficulties, physical disability, speech and language difficulties. We believe in dif-ability not dis-ability.
Our work responds to a great need identified by SEN schools and parents for greater music provision in school settings. Schools are not always in a position to provide this due to funding restrictions and lack of specialist staff. Many of the young people we engage with might not otherwise have had the opportunity to see an instrument being played, to meet a conductor or a professional musician. We believe that music can be hugely beneficial in improving mental health and increasing wellbeing.
Our workshops are free of charge. SEN pupils have diverse complex needs and a vast range of levels of ability and communication skills. Responding to briefings we tailor our sessions to meet individual needs eg we may play pianissimo, legato pieces during a session with a severely autistic pupil who finds loud sounds distressing. Musicians adapt the programme on the spot, they are responsive to the mood of the classroom. Workshops are people centred led by interests shown during sessions