Our vision is a Wales free from gender discrimination. Our ambition is for everyone to have equal power over their own lives and society. We are an award-winning charity that empowers those with lived experience of inequality to use their own voice to bring about change.


  • Community Support & Development Community Support & Development
  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Human Rights/Advocacy Human Rights/​Advocacy
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind
    • Minority Groups Minority Groups
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls

    We have three strategic priorities, as developed in partnership with our members, board and staff: • Diverse and equal leadership: there is still only one woman from the BAME community who has been elected to the Senedd in 20 years of devolution. • Strengthening and protecting women’s human rights in Wales: enshrining CEDAW in Welsh law. • Making Care Fair: Wales saw the biggest increase in childcare costs (8%) of the four nations which is disproportionately affecting women.

    With our reach of 43,000 individuals and organisations we can use: • Our Diverse 5050 campaign & EPEV mentoring programme to empower women to put themselves forward for public life so they can design intersectional policy and law. • Our influencing and policy work to use devolved legislation to protect women in Wales from the impact of Westminster’s plans to reduce human rights. • Our campaign Make Care Fair to address the single biggest driver of female poverty and financial inequality.


  • Community Support & Development Community Support & Development
  • Education/Training/Employment Education/​Training/​Employment
  • Human Rights/Advocacy Human Rights/​Advocacy
  • Beneficiaries

    • General Public/Humankind General Public/​Humankind
    • Minority Groups Minority Groups
    • Women & Girls Women & Girls