This campaign has now closed
We're the UK charity working to stop group B Strep infection in babies. We educate the public, doctors and midwives about group B Strep and provide information and support to affected families. We’re raising funds to continue our vital awareness-raising and campaigning work.
Group B Streptococcus (GBS or Strep B) is the most common cause of severe infection in newborn babies, causing sepsis, pneumonia, or meningitis. These infections are usually preventable. Two babies on average develop GBS infection in the UK every day and tragically one of those sick babies dies every week and one survivor is left with long-term disability. We're the world’s leading charity working to eradicate group B Strep infection in babies.
We'll continue - educating health professionals, ensuring they are up to speed on the latest guidelines and best practice - raising awareness among new and expectant parents about GBS infections and how they can be prevented - supporting families affected by GBS by providing confidential support and information. - campaigning for the introduction of a national screening programme and improvements to prevention and treatment - support further research into group B Strep and a vaccine