This campaign has now closed
My Sisters' House specialises in domestic abuse support and welfare and wellbeing for vulnerable and disadvantaged women across West Sussex. With a mission to "help women to thrive, not just survive", one of our services is free counselling for our clients, which this campaign will fund.
1 in 5 women in the UK experience a common mental health disorder. 53% of women with mental health problems have experienced abuse, with 16% estimated to have PTSD. My Sisters' House offers domestic abuse support for medium-risk cases, but also financial and welfare support (debt recovery, benefits etc), and wellbeing (Nature Walks & craft groups). Free counselling is an intrinsic part of a client's recovery. The West Sussex NHS talking therapies service currently has a waiting list of 1 year.
Referrals to counselling are made by keyworkers, self-referrals from clients, or GPs who often direct patients to us because with our current waiting time is 4-8 weeks. With the NHS waiting time being a year, we're better placed in the community to support vulnerable women quickly. 634,649 people accessed the NHS Talking Therapy programme in 2020/21, with 51.4% recovering from their condition. We offer this therapy but in a more accessible and reactive way, at less cost.