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Eikon helps children and young people in Surrey. Growing up in today’s world can be incredibly challenging. We see more and more young people on longer and longer waiting lists for the support they need to stay healthy and happy. Understanding and giving support for challenges early can often stop problems from becoming much bigger – and like you, we believe every child deserves to feel safe and heard.
1 in 6 children have challenges with their mental health and wellbeing. Only a quarter are receiving treatment and can wait up to two years for a diagnosis. Anxiety and depression can lead to not feeling able to attend school - being cut off and isolated in this way can mean these feelings grow. Young people can be left feeling scared and alone, with their mental health declining to dangerous places. With your support, we can support young people sooner - helping ensure they don’t feel abandoned.
Your support will help more children and young people receive support earlier. Eikon teams work directly in schools and communities, meaning young people have someone to speak to about things that are worrying them. With long waiting lists for mental health support, Eikon gives children somewhere safe to tell an adult when something is happening to them that shouldn’t be. Your support can help ensure a young person is safe, protected, and supported.