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We will restore 5 dark and shaded ponds within the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site into connected, resilient and biodiverse habitats for amphibians, invertebrates, mammals and birds. The pond restoration will also provide opportunities for people of all ages to engage and learn about ponds.
The decline of ponds since the 1950's is a national crisis. Ponds are a lifeline for wildlife providing food and habitat throughout the year. Wildlife-rich, clean and unpolluted ponds have become a rarity in the countryside. Collectively, they support over 2/3 of all freshwater species. There is an urgent need to better understand, conserve, and monitor freshwater ecosystems to minimise, and ideally prevent the loss of freshwater biodiversity.
Restoring 5 shaded and forgotten ponds will ensure that many species have the opportunity not just to survive but thrive. We will excavate and re-profile the margins of the ponds. Each pond will need tree and scrub clearance around its fringes to increase light levels. This will allow aquatic plants and vegetation to become established. Aquatic invertebrates will soon colonise such ponds. Terrestrial wildlife will also use the ponds for drinking water and plant/insect based food.