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More than 30% of Borneo's rainforests have been lost in the last 40 years. These ecosystems are vital for biodiversity and storing carbon. It's critical that we continue to protect these standing forests and restore degraded landscapes to mitigate against climate change and protect wildlife!
Fires release tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere every year, fueling the increasing severity of climate change and destroying standing forests which can help mitigate its impact. This year El Niño is set to return which will lengthen dry seasons and increase the likelihood and intensity of forest fires. Tropical rainforests are one of the most effective habitats in storing carbon and home to incredible biodiversity - we can't afford to lose more of them!
We are actively working to protect and restore forests in Lamandau Wildlife Reserve and Tanjung Puting National Park in Borneo. Lamandau holds 36.5 million tonnes of carbon in below ground peat stores alone - that's equal to the annual emissions of more than 28 million cars! We operate ten guard posts 24/7 to monitor cases of illegal activity and respond rapidly to forest fires. To date, our sapling nurseries have cultivated and replanted over 150,000 young trees to help regenerate lost forests.